Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Bucket List

Goal setting is something very important to me and that I follow. There are so many things I need to achieve so I can do other things in life that I actually want to do. Planning helps me achieve those goals.

I've had goals in the past, such as graduating high school and going to college. Now that I am in college I have more specific goals. Some are maintaining good grades, balance school work, social life, and a job, find a major I enjoy so that I can someday have a job that I love. As of now the main goal in college is to find an major that is right for me.

After college is done and my new life starts, I want to get married, have children, buy a house, find an amazing house, and enjoy going out or hanging out with my friends and family. After all those goals have been made, I would like to expand my bucket list to things I like or enjoy. Such as traveling to other countries to see what farm life is, run a marathon, swim in the ocean, be on TV, meet someone really famous, buy a ranch, and live life to the fullest.

I hope that my bucket list continues to expand, because the future holds so many surprises and I'm always ready for a surprise.

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